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Office of Vocations

The goal of the Office of Vocation is to assist clergy and laity to become more involved through action and prayer and to foster and promote the needs of the Church for vocations.

I suggest that you put it in prayer and ask God what He wants of you and to show you what are His plans in your life. “For I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prosper your and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Life’s busyness, prioritizing our own plans might overcast God’s calling, but open up to Him and He will touch your life and lead you in the right path.

Speak with your pastor or your spiritual director if you have one. Give me a call and introduce yourself to me.  I will pray with you. I am here to help you discern what God is wanting for you and what avenue you should be looking at.

Chorbishop Donald Sawyer

Vocations Director

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 “How did you get your calling?”, “How did you know you want to become a priest?” Questions people always ask me, and the answer is hard as it deals with feelings and spirituality.


​I tell people that the best way to describe what a person is feeling is by comparing it to the physical feeling of hunger.  How do you know you are hungry? You simply feel it. However, how can you describe it? That is hard to describe.


​God calls us gently, as He did with the prophet Elias. Most people do not experience a big show of God, no lightening, no earthquake, or thunder. Usually, it is a gentle and constant thought; perhaps a feeling, and often He speaks to us through others, like a suggestion, a question, i.e.  “Have you thought about becoming a priest?  Have you thought about becoming a nun?”

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